Lipovka Anastasia Vladimirovna
Academic Degree: PhD
Academic Position: Associate Professor
Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baikonurov
Speciality: Foreign language: two foreign languages
Qualification: English language teacher
University of International Business
Speciality: Management
Qualification: Master's degree
Almaty Management University 2015 - 2022
Speciality: Business administration
Academic degree: PhD
Work experience: 18 years
Almaty Management University
01.09.2019 - to date
Senior Lecturer,
Associate Professor, School of Management
17.04.2012 - 01.09.2019
Senior Lecturer, Department of Management and Marketing
International Academy of Business
09.01.2006 - 17.04.2012
International Relations Expert, International Development Department
Kazakhstani-British institution
M&K education
05.09 - 26.12.2005
English language teacher
Kindergarten No. 7, Zhezkazgan
20.09.2003 - 22.06.2005
Foreign language teacher
- Human resources management
- Research methods
- Organisational behaviour
- Time management
- Gender management
- The psychology of management
- Management
EXPERIENCE in consulting and coaching projects: 3 years
The year
Project name
Reducing gender stereotypes for Narxoz University Gender Economics Research Centre (GERC) fellows
Reducing gender bias in scholarship research
Economic Empowerment of Afghan female students studying in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan through a project of the European Commission, UNDP, UN Women and GERC
Training modules and individual counselling on gender and leadership and time management
Gender mainstreaming for Eurasia Foundation's Central Asia Society Support Programme staff and partners
Gender-sensitive indicator system, gender-sensitive development strategy
The year
Name of study
The impact of gender on the choice of STEM professions
International survey by Cintana Alliance, Arizona State University, covering respondents from the ROK, Ecuador, India and Mexico
Gender stereotypes of managers in Central Asia and Central and Eastern Europe
Article in WoS and Scopus
Gender discrimination in employment in Kazakhstan
Analytical publication "Labour without discrimination in Kazakhstan: from formalism to efficiency", media articles
Gender segregation of labour in higher education in Kazakhstan
Chapter in an international book and article in a publication recommended by COSCON
Management practices of male and female managers in Kazakhstan
Article in Scopus
Gender managerial stereotypes in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Articles in Scopus
PUBLICATIONS (foreign and local):
About thirty publications in Kazakhstani and international conference proceedings and journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.
In Scopus and Web of Science journals:
Comparative influence of gender, age, industry and management level on communication. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2021, #19 (2), pp. 170-182. doi:10.21511/ppm.19(2).2021.14
Gender stereotypes about managers: a comparative study of Central-Eastern Europe and Central Asia, (2020). JEEMS Journal of East European Management Studies, Special Issue "Women in Management in Central and Eastern European Countries", pp. 15-36,
Napoleon in the Hamster Wheel: in the Labyrinth of Gendered Career Trajectories, (2018), Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 8 Issue 4, pp.1-24.
In peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings:
Innovation capability of women and men managers: Evidence from Kazakhstan. Access to science, business, innovation in digital economy, ACCESS Press, 2021, #2 (1): 91-102.
Raising gender equality in Kazakhstan through management education modernisation, (2018), 3rd Central European Higher Education Cooperation Conference Proceedings. Budapest: Corvinus University of Budapest Digital Press, pp.70-82.
Kazakhstan publications in the last five years:
Gender Segregation of Labour in Higher Education in Kazakhstan. Journal of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, No. 2 (69), 2018, pp. 225-233
New theories of leadership through the prism of gender. Proceedings of the AlmaU International Conference "Capitalisation of Scientific Research: Means of Achievement and Results", 06.07.2018, Burabay, pp.103-108
Gender Dissonance in Education and Labour Market: Training and Employment of Managers. Proceedings of the International Conference "World Economy and Professional Education in the New Geopolitical Conditions", Turan University, 06.10.2017, pp. 291-299.
The Gender Potential of Kazakhstan's Economy in the Context of Global Change. Bulletin of Turan University, No.4 (72), 2016, pp.205-211
Modernization of managers' professional training: gender aspect. Proceedings of the International Conference "Innovations in Education and Science", S. Demirel University, 14.10.2016, pp.234-239.
Gender management as a new direction of management science. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference "Innovative Development and the Demand for Science in Modern Kazakhstan", Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation, 20.10 2016, pp. 131-135.
Gender Analysis of Social Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Business and Society: Modern Development Priorities", AlmaU, 24.05.2016, pp. 202-205
The Gender Aspect of Entrepreneurship and Management in Kazakhstan. Vestnik KazNU, No. 1 (113) 2016, pp. 264-270.
Traineeships, TRAININGS, COURSESES (in the last 5 years):
Name of the institution
Year, month of commencement
Year, month of completion
Topic of specialisation
South Korean Government Programme, Sookmyong Women's University
Women's economic empowerment
Gender Economy Research Centre, Narxoz
December 2019
December 2019
Gender Economy Researchers Forum
Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan
November 2017
May 2019
Programme for Young Researchers in Public Policy
The F. Ebert Foundation
September 2018
September 2018
Gender summer school
Business School, Central European University, Hungary
April 2017
May 2017
Research practice
Varna University of Management, Bulgaria
July 2016
July 2016
Eurasian Doctoral Summer Academy
The author of a case study which was entered in the top ten case studies of the CEEMAN International Case Study Writing Competition - Emerald
Science Slam finalist, First President - Leader of the Nation Foundation, Kazakhstan
3rd prize, Doctoral Project Competition, Eurasian Doctoral Summer Academy, Varna, Bulgaria
State grant for doctoral studies, Kazakhstan,
Grant from the President of the University of International Business
Best Masters in Management at the University of International Business