Sokhatskaya Natalia Pavlovna

Academic degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences (1999)
Academic position: Assistant Professor
Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy.
Speciality - Economics and Planning of Logistics. Qualification - economist.
Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy - full-time postgraduate course
TACIS-project DBA programme. Maastricht School of Management (Netherlands)
Kazakh State Academy of Management (Almaty)
08.00.05- Economics and management of the national economy
Candidate of Economic Sciences
Education Network Academy Centre (EdNet Academy Education Network)
Business Administration programme at Education Network Academy
Academic Degree: Master of Business Administration (Foxxy Business School, USA,
Almaty Management University
01.09.2021 - to date
Assistant Professor in the School of Management
Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Management
Associate Professor in the Department of Management and Marketing
Associate Professor in the Department of Management, Entrepreneurship and Marketing
International Academy of Business
Associate Professor in the Department of Marketing and RDGB
Associate Professor in the Department of Management and Marketing
Head of the Department of Management and Marketing
T. Ryskulov Kazakh University of Economics / Kazakh State Academy of Management / Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy. T. Ryskulov Kazakh State Academy of Management / Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy
Associate Professor in the Marketing Department
Senior Lecturer in the Marketing Department
Lecturer in the MTS E&E Department
Senior Laboratory Technician, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, MTS
MNS of a self-contracted topic
Economic operator of self-employed persons
Head of the Cabinet of the MTS Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Alma-Ata Production Association of Dairy Industry of the Kazakh SSR
Software engineer
- Marketing
- Marketing communications
- International marketing
- Marketing management
- B2B marketing
- Marketing management
- Integrated marketing communications
- Analytical marketing
The year
Project name
Development of an advertising campaign for the TACIS-Project (KazSAU)
TACIS-Project advertising campaign
Development of an advertising promotion programme for M-Art
The company's promotional programme
Retail Marketing course for Zangar Trading House's sales staff
Retail Marketing course
Training seminar for teachers in the Central Asian region on "Using the Case Method in the Teaching of Economics"
(programme trainer)
Training workshop
Development of a marketing plan and strategy for the launch of a new product on the market by Syrat LLP
Marketing strategy and plan
The year
Name of Study
Marketing research of the meat market of Almaty city. Almaty and Almaty region (for Adani LLP)
A report for the company
Marketing research on the water and beverage market (for Syrat LLP)
A report for the company
PUBLICATIONS (foreign and local):
Innovative approaches in marketing of tourist firms. Proceedings of the Republican round table on "Actual problems of socio-humanitarian, economic and legal sciences". (April 22, 2021) - Almaty: "Polilinga", KazUMOiMYA, 2021
Peculiarities of brand promotion in the Nail industry. Scientific journal "Vestnik of Atyrau University of Oil and Gas named after S. Utebayev", Chapter 5 "Economics and Social-Humanitarian Sciences". - Atyrau, № 1 (57) 2021 (in co-authorship)
Procurement activities of an enterprise: essence, forms. Collection of materials of VI Colloquium of undergraduates and doctoral students of Almaty Management University. - Almaty: Almaty Management University, 2021 (in co-authorship).
Factors of Increasing Competitiveness of Higher Education Institution in Modern Conditions. Proceedings of the III-rd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Capitalization of scientific research: means of achievement and results". - Almaty, Almaty Management University, 2019 (co-authored)
Development of brand communication strategy on the basis of marketing program. // Materials of the International Scientific-Practical Conference "Innovative-Entrepreneurial Education in the Context of Improving Quality of Life: December 12, 2018 Almaty: University "Turan", 2019 (co-authored)
Peculiarities of drug promotion in the pharmaceutical market. // Materials of the International Scientific-Practical Conference "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in the Context of Improving Quality of Life: December 12, 2018 Almaty: "Turan" University, 2019 (co-authored)
Assessing the impact of consumer characteristics on tourist satisfaction. Bulletin of Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade, No. 4, 2019 (co-authored)
Bank marketing in Kazakhstan. // Bulletin of Turan University, No. 2 (78) 2018 (co-authored)
Marketing in the Tourism Industry: Theory and Practice // Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Business and Society: Modern Development Priorities". - Almaty: Almaty Management University, 2016.
Marketing analysis of transport services market for tourism development in Kazakhstan// International Scientific Journal "Symbol of Science", № 3/2016. ufa.
Formation of Marketing Strategy of Enterprise // Modern Directions of Marketing and Management Development: International Scientific-Practical Conference (November 6, 2015, Russia, Ulyanovsk): collection of scientific works / ed. by E.A. Kachagin. - Ulyanovsk: Ulyanovsk State Technical University, 2015. - С. 60-63.
Topical issues of restaurant business development in Kazakhstan in crisis / / Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative development of food, light industry and hospitality industry. Almaty, ATU, 2015
The development of personnel: importance and essence / / Modern concepts of scientific research: XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference (29-30 May 2015. Russia, Moscow): scientific journal "Eurasian Union of Scientists", № 5, 2015.
Name of educational institution
Year, month of commencement
Year, month of completion
Topic of specialisation
Almaty, ALMAU,
25 January 2021
29 January
ALMAU Winter School "Pedagogical Design of Training Courses"
Almaty, ALMAU,
13 January 2020
17 January
ALMAU Winter School "Educational Organisations 1.0 to 3.0: other meanings, spaces, communication"
Almaty, ALMAU
08 January 2019
12 January 2019
XXIII ALMAU Winter School "The Modern University: Reaching a New Audience". Track "Rebooting Pedagogical Design of Educational Programmes. Innovative Technologies and Methods in Education".
Almaty, Turan University, KAM, ASBIS
21 November 2019
22 November 2019
Everyone Can Create" course
Almaty, ALMAU
08 January 2018
12 January 2018
ALMAU Winter School.
Training for the Adviser-coaches on "Managing intra-group conflicts"
Almaty, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and TEO Centre
project management".
14 March 2018
05 April 2018
Project Marketing Management in the Service Economy" refresher course
Almaty, UIB with financial support from the US Diplomatic Mission in Kazakhstan
08 November 2018
12 November 2018
Training Seminar "International Standards in Scientific Research and Publication of Scientific Papers
Almaty, International Entrepreneurship Academy ID-Group
15 March 2017
15 March 2017
Time management training
03 April 2017
16 April 2017
The Advanced Diploma Programme "Interactive Learning Methods for Large Learner Circles":
Module 1 Gamification
Module 2 Facilitation
Module 3 Visualisation
Module 4 E-learning
Module 5 Group dynamics
Almaty, ALMAU
25 May 2017
09 June 2017
Marketing Management Seminar
Almaty, ALMAU
07 July 2017
20 July 2017
Professional development programme:
Module 1: 'How to run an effective webinar'.
Module 2 'Preparing and delivering a video lecture'.
Module 3 "Flip method"
Module 4 "Lights, Camera... Action!"
Almaty, ALMAU,
12 January 2016
15 January
ALMAU Winter School for Skills Development and Personal Growth
Almaty, Quality Management Centre
8 February
12 February 2016
Implementation of ISO 9001:2015" course
Saratov, LTD "L.P.R.-media"
7 April 2016
7 April 2016
Workshop on Modern Information Technologies in Education. Use of electronic publications in the educational process".
Almaty, Astana EXPO and ALMAU
21 April 2016
21 April 2016
Master class "Astana Expo 2017 - new opportunities"
Almaty, Quality Management Centre
26 April 2016
29 April 2016
Internal Management System Auditor course in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO19011:2011
Almaty, ALMAU
24 May 2016
24 May 2016
Workshop on "Science Metrics and the Development of International Science Communication
St Petersburg, raKURS: the first online shop "everything for distance learning, online communications and HR automation"
08 June 2016
17 June 2016
Additional professional training programme "Blended learning using LMS Moodle, Learning Content Editors and Open Internet Resources"
Almaty, ALMAU
27 June 2016
28 June 2016
Workshop "Design thinking"
Almaty, ALMAU
24 October 2016
26 October 2016
Design Thinking training course
Almaty, NCAOCO
27 December 2016
27 December 2016
Training workshop "Preparing a self-evaluation report of a higher education institution in the framework of specialised accreditation
Almaty, Almaty Management University
28 February 2015
16 June 2015
Teaching Excellence Programme (Level III)
2006 Winner of the "Best Teacher in the VET Department" category Diploma for professionalism and commitment to IAB culture
2010 Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "For Success in the Formation of a Spiritual, Socially Developed Society", 14 April 2010.
2011 Certificate of Merit from the Akim of Almaty "For Conscientious Work and Active Scientific and Pedagogical Activity", December 5, 2011.
2013 Certificate of Merit from the Akim of Almaty "For Conscientious Work and Active Scientific and Pedagogical Activity", 22 November 2013
2014 Diploma from the International Academy of Business for active participation in preparing, organising and conducting the First International Competition of Student Research Papers in Marketing and Sociological Research "Zhas Zerde
2015 Acknowledgement from the Educational Establishment "Almaty Management University" for high professional and quality training (100% success rate) for HEI in higher education in 2015-2016 academic year students of specialty "5B051100" Marketing in the discipline "Marketing" (Almaty, December, 2015)
2016 Acknowledgement from the Educational Institution "Almaty Management University" for active participation in preparation, organization and holding of the II International Competition of Student Research Papers in the Field of Marketing and Sociological Research "Zhas Zerde
2016 Acknowledgement from Almaty Management University for its significant contribution to NAAR (Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency) accreditation
2017 Certificate of Appreciation from Almaty Management University for professionalism and commitment to university values
2017 Acknowledgement from Almaty Management University for high professional preparation of EP: "5B051100-Marketing", "6M051100-Marketing" for the 2016-2017 academic year
2018 Acknowledgement from Almaty Management University on the 30th anniversary of ALmaU for high professionalism and contribution to the development of ALmaU
2019 Certificate of Merit from Almaty Management University for responsibility and diligent work, commitment to the ideas and values of the university and active participation in the life of the Graduate School of Management and Almaty Management University
2020 Appreciation from the Association of Business Women of Kazakhstan for achievements in the development of entrepreneurial education in Kazakhstan